Copywriting is Salesmanship in Print or on a Computer Screen … Multiplied. It’s all about leverage and putting your message out there 24/7. It’s about making a positive impact.
Words do everything in this world. And in the world of commerce and business, its words that sell. Words are how you express yourself. Words impact, affect and influence your emotions, your intellect, and your perceptions. Words affect you very personally. Words sell. Words make things happen!
On the Internet, Google can only read words. Google cannot read pictures or photos unless they have an alt tag, which are words that describes the picture. So, are you now getting the picture of the power of words? … And get this! The Bible is not a picture book … It’s a Word book!
It’s words that differentiate! There’s a saying that you either differentiate or die. If you don’t differentiate yourself, you will always stay at the bottom of the pyramid. The only way to differentiate yourself, is to be at the top of the pyramid.
Marketing is all about words. It’s all about how to use words effectively and powerfully. Marketing is also about words that sell by substance … not fluff. You don’t want to be a “look alike” or a “sound alike.” You must be Distinctive and Stand Out amongst your competition. Otherwise, your marketing sucks! Don’t let the Competition “Get Your Money!”
You can’t have an idea or concept and communicate it to others without words! Now you can communicate by using pictures drawn on the walls like a caveman, but it will not be as effective as if you use words, or use words in conjunction with the pictures.
Try telling your spouse that you love them with just pictures. Now they might like it that you to them with a picture of a heart. But, I’m telling you; they want to hear you say “I love you.” And for them they hear you say that … you have to use words!
If I only use pictures and photos, you might “kind of” get what I’m trying to tell you, but it would lack clarity. And, clarity is what you need, in order to separate yourself from the pack, and from the bottom of the pyramid. You must extract yourself from the bottom and put yourself at the top … with the power of well chosen words and well written sentences.
Most people are not very good communicators. Just look at the divorce rate in this country. That should tell you something right there. There’s a book called Communication, Sex, and Money. If communication sucks, the other two are going to go downhill very quickly. In business, if communications sucks, the money goes down very quickly as well.
You can’t sell without words. You can’t sell without a script.
Why do you think movies have to have a script? Why do you think speakers need a teleprompter? Why do you think newscasters need a teleprompter? Why, because they all need words written on paper or on a screen in order to speak clearly and cohesively.
So … it all comes down to Copywriting.
Call Steven C. Adamko – Master of Copywriting

With Steve Adamko as Your Copywriter You Get the Following:
- You get a person who isn’t interested in awards … Only Results!
- You get a person who is for the small business owner or entrepreneur.
- You get a person who knows how to sell in person and in print.
- You get a person who can sell both the tangible and the intangible with ease.
- You get a person who is an author and speaker.
- You get a person who has many YouTube videos under his belt.
- You get a person who is both creative and analytical to a very high degree.
- You get a businessman, entrepreneur, designer, and more since 1982.
- You get a person who isn’t interested in PC. That usually stands for plenty of crap.
- You get a person who is articulate, but not afraid to be contrarian.
- You get a person who is bold as a lion, not timid like a dog with its tail between its legs.
- You get a person who is all about integrity and honesty.
- You get a person who is a leader and a fighter if need be.
- You get a person who is all about excellence, and hates average and mediocre.
- You get a person who is a No B.S. Person.
- You get a person who has studied the best copywriters who have ever walked the planet.
- You get a person who is all of the above plus more!
If you want all the above and more, then call me direct at 269-888-2049 … and that’s a landline.

I am Selective about who I take for Copywriting; and I am definitely not for everyone.
You as a copywriting client must be a person of character, integrity, and courage.
Also, you must be open-minded and not tethered or chained to the status quo. Otherwise it’s a NO GO!
Only the Bold get where they want to go.

How would you like to have 1,000 to 10,000 tireless salesmen and saleswomen
working around the clock, calling on the maximum number of the absolutely most
qualified prospects for your product or service – and never forgetting to make any selling
point or any closing argument?
If you’re smart, you answered YES to the above question. And you did so emphatically! That is what masterful copywriting does. Like I said at the beginning …
Copywriting is Salesmanship in Print or on a Computer Screen … Multiplied.
Get started on YOUR 10,000 PERSON SALES DEPARTMENT Today! … by Calling Steve Adamko at 269-888-2049

Listen to Steve Adamko talking about you and your clients from his copywriting perspective.
There are 21 Egregious Copywriting Errors that are made by the majority of business owners, marketing people, and other copywriters. The above audio attested to just a few. These errors cause you to lose out on the maximum potential profit your business should have. If you don’t know you have a problem, then how can you fix it? The answer, you can’t.
It’s highly evident that most marketers do not know that they are making these egregious errors! Just look at most of the websites and their copy. It sucks! Because their website talks mostly about themselves and not the client, who is only interested first and foremost in what you can do for him or her in terms, and of the benefits that they will receive.
Definately Check Out My Video Links Below for More Insightful Revelations!
Grow Your Kalamazoo Business through Interview Marketing with Steve Adamko … Your Own Audio Valet
Enhanced Salesmanship and Copywriting for More Sales and Impact with Steven C. Adamko in Kalamazoo